Restful Web and System Application Framework version 5
The RESTup5 RESTful Web Applications Framework, developed by CoVirtual.Net in Australia, facilitates rapid development of both Web Sites and Systems applications, via a RESTful web services interface, with connectors available for popular Relational and NO-SQL Databases, LDAP Directory Services, CSV, TSV, JSON and XML data structures.

Key Features:
- Ability to deny / allow hosts and users on a per page / REST method basis.
- Per Page protocols may be specified ( http | https | soon ws and wss for IoT ).
- Session and Cookie management.
- Load Balancer Aware - where a load balancer handles HTTPS (TLS) traffic and the RESTup 5.x hosts serve over HTTP
- Per Page (overrideable) default response type (JSON | XML | PLAIN TEXT).
- Bootstrap 3, Angular.JS and jQuery incorporated to facilitate rapid frontend application development.
- TWIG PHP template engine built-in
- New pages may be deployed to your site in seconds.
- Supports multiple concurrent connections to different data sources.
We have chosen to license RESTup4 & RESTup5 under the LGPL (Limited General Public License) and will soon make the GA version available here.
Additional Information
An overview is available for download RESTup5 Framework.pdf
If you would like more information, please Contact Us