Systems Integration
Whenever new technology is added, or old systems are replaced by new ones, careful planning, testing, staging and training are required to ensure that businesses solve the puzzle correctly.
Our Experienced team can make the transition much less painful by working with your business and technical people to ensure the best fit and best outcomes when integrating systems
We have specialst skills in
- Data Migration - your existing information is core to your business and needs to be handled properly.
- Data Warehouses - make your existing and future data more accessible to those who need to know, with summaries and statistical views.
- Master Data Management and Meta Data Management - to catalogue the detail of your Information in a human readable format.
- ETL and ELT methodologies - extracting your existing information, transfoming and loading it into new systems.
- Application Configuration - to work with existing and new data storage solutions.
- Business Intelligence and Reporting Solutions - to assist you in making informed decisions and unlock all of your information.

If you would like more information, please Contact Us