Restful Web and System Application Framework version 6
The RESTup6 RESTful Web Applications Framework, developed by CoVirtual.Net in Australia, facilitates rapid development of both Web Sites and Systems applications, via a RESTful web services interface, with connectors available for popular Relational and NO-SQL Databases, LDAP Directory Services, CSV, TSV, JSON and XML data structures.

Key Features:
- Ability to deny / allow hosts and users on a per page / REST method basis.
- Per Page protocols may be specified ( http | https | soon ws and wss for IoT ).
- Session and Cookie management.
- Load Balancer Aware - where a load balancer handles HTTPS (TLS) traffic and the RESTup 5.x hosts serve over HTTP
- Per Page (overrideable) default response type (JSON | XML | PLAIN TEXT).
- Bootstrap 5.3, Captcha, and jQuery incorporated to facilitate rapid frontend application development.
- TWIG PHP template engine built-in
- New pages may be deployed to your site in seconds.
- Supports multiple concurrent connections to different data sources.
We have chosen to license RESTup4 & RESTup6 under the LGPL (Limited General Public License) and will soon make the GA version available here.
Additional Information
If you would like more information, please Contact Us